
Monday, May 23, 2011

Today's Spring Garden May 23, 2011

Spring full of hope and delight to watch the new plants sprout and grow.

There's a"spring" in my DH step these days. So evidence of varmints in the garden. He strung up an electric fence to keep creatures out of the garden, so it must be working. He's a very happy man!

He should be. Look at how beautiful the plants are right now. (not to mention the lilac bush at the east end of the garden.) The lush strawberry bed is blooming right at the foot of the bush.

We are eating lettuce from our garden now in delicious fresh salads of romaine and deer tongue varieties. These plants were started in Florida and brought back to Michigan. We discovered this winter in Florida how well they tolerate cold temps.

The broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower plants are looking great too.

I am amazed at how tall the corn is already. Of course, we cheated and started the plants in the greenhouse to give them a headstart. One more planting still in the greenhouse, then the third and fourth plantings will be seeds planted directly into the garden because the soil should be warm in a couple of weeks to germinate the seeds.

Without the greenhouse we couldn't have the advanced plants we do now. We have suffered some cold weather, but the little plants were kept safe and warm in the greenhouse. Check out the greenhouse on the right side of the page.

New Gardeners Take Note:  The weather forecaster is your best friend. Always keep your eye out for frost/freeze warnings so you can take action to prevent damage to all your hard work.

I know many of you folks farther south are enjoying your gardens already. Our friends in Florida are winding up their gardening until cool weather arrives in the fall. So though we are all in varying stages of  growing season, we all understand the joy of gardening.

As I write this, I think of those people who have lost their homes, gardens, businesses, and livelihood due to the horrendous tornadoes and flooding this spring. They are in my thoughts and prayers.

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