
Monday, August 23, 2010

Fresh Sweet Corn Time is Over for Us

My DH picked all the ears of sweet corn from our patch and pulled up the stalks. The garden looks so different without those stately plantings of tall corn with waving tassels. We froze the last 60 ears. We were pleased with our harvest of tasty corn this year.

If you want to try something different this year when freezing your corn, click here for a recipe.

The powdery mildew is on our squash leaves and cukes. Cukes are about done.

Sad time to see the garden in the end of the season, but already my DH is making plans for next year's garden. New varieties, size adjustments, rotation of crops. I love the gardener's never ending hope for a better garden next year.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, gardening season is starting to come to an end. It doesn't seem that long ago that you were sharing stories of how the garden was starting out.

    Is Corbin making plans for next years gardening too? Maybe he'll grow some more prize winning vegetables!
