
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

County Fair Time

The excitement in the air, the buzz in the fair goers, the delicious aroma of kettle corn and elephant ears...It must be county fair time!

Celebrating their 55th year, there are over 8000 exhibits at our 2010 Newaygo County Fair this year including FFA, 4-H, open youth and adult classes. In 1955 there were 800 exhibits and it was held on the high school grounds. The bus garage was the exhibit hall and the animals were housed in tents located on the football field. They have come a long way from the first fair with ups and downs along the way.

Of course this year I would call it an excellent year because our grandson, Corbin, entered vegetables into the fair. The state does not contribute to the fairs anymore so there are no paid premiums for entries, but it doesn't seem to matter. Kids and adults like earning their ribbons. I am proud to say Corbin won several blue ribbons on his veggies.

Picking out the veggies for the fair

Every year I am amazed at the talent on display in the exhibit barn. I also am thankful that there are volunteers, parents, family, and friends who take the time to work with these kids. A BIG thank you to all who make the County Fair a huge success!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't been to a fair in years! Sounds like it was a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing the pictures. Tell Corbin CONGRATS on his ribbons!
