
Monday, May 24, 2010

Alright! It's a Garden!

Our empty plot is filling up fast and now it is a garden. At last we are getting some nice rain, warm sunshine, mild nights. Here are a few shots of the garden. This year my DH planted the rows going north and south. I really like the layout of the plan this spring.

We are cutting the lettuce for delicious fresh salads, pulling the onions too. Rhubarb is a spring treat.

Broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage plants are looking healthy.

Yes, he set out the tomato plants BEFORE Memorial Day--a risky thing to do in Michigan. If the threat of frost is in the forecast, we have 5 gallon buckets to protect these babies.

Please Note: The weather man is your friend. Gardeners should check the weather every day and be prepared to take action when needed whether it is for rain, drought, freezing temperatures, winds, etc. Make Mother Nature your partner in growing veggies.

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