
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Spring Garden is Planted

Spring garden...Hooray!

In the photo you can see the tulips, the bird bath (which had a chunk of ice in it this morning), the greenhouse to the right side of the photo, and the garden in the background. Please check the right side bar to see how my DH puts up this 10' x 12' structure. He takes it down and stores it in the garage when the plants are all moved out in the spring.

Forsythia, tulips, lilacs and gorgeous flowering trees. It must be spring..Who knew it would arrive four weeks? Amazing weather this year. Our tulips are gorgeous. Usually the deer are munching them off before they get a chance to bloom, but we put netting over the area this fall before we left for Florida.

My DH planted rye last fall in the garden, so with the early warm weather, the rye was very high and thick when we arrived home. He had to wait for it to die before he could plant the garden. At this time though, it's just as well he waited a bit because we are experiencing frosty nights and cool days.

Our spring garden is planted now with onions, beets, peas, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, radishes, and strawberries. The strawberries are in already established beds which wintered over beautifully. They are blooming early, so we covered them when frost was forecast--more frost coming too. Hmmm...our June bearing berries may be May bearing this year. those berries!

Please check back again as I will be updating you on this year's garden every week, offering gardening tips, garden information, and recipes for your garden produce.

Wishing you all a happy gardening season!