Practical Ideas for help with growing vegetables, tasty recipes and gardening tips.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Garden Check Up
The following is my husband's garden report in a nutshell:
Have bibb and romaine lettuce galore, but with the heat it is starting to bolt.
The first sweet corn I had planned on having by 4th of July tassled out at 2 feet, so it will not have ears worth a darn. It has been too cold this spring and early summer.
I planted tomato seed the end of April and those plants are just as big as the plants I bought in May. Go figure.
I have 36 pepper plants. They are doing real well in the heat-- yellow, red, purple, brown, green.
We have eaten all the broccoli up. Now waiting on side shoots to grow out. Cabbage is just heading up. Cauliflower is still a ways off.
Beans aren't growing worth a darn, but the onions are growing great.
Watermelon and cantaloupe are just limping along.
We have little zucchini forming on the plants.
Pumpkins are going great. We have a new one this year called Knucklehead. It has warts all over it. We haven't told the grandkids yet, so that will be a surprise. Maybe they can win the Ugliest Pumpkin award at the Harvest Festival this year.
That's the run down on the garden at this point. Summer is half over. Hope your gardens are growing well. Leave a comment and let me know how you are doing. Thanks.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Broccoli Heaven
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Delicious Greens
I am beginning to pick up a distinctive nose twitching as I look in the mirror this week. I attribute it to all the lettuce we are eating now. We have had great success with lettuce crops. Not only do the salads taste good and fresh, they are so pretty too! Ted planted several kinds of lettuce with colors other than green.
He has the usual Bibb lettuce, a spotted one called Freckles, and a very deep red one called Deer Tongue. When I mix in the dark green leaves of spinach, radishes, and fresh onions, I feel like an artist designing a painting. (I never thought I would arrange lettuce to look as pretty as a bouquet of flowers.)
In the photo there are carrots and cheese, but neither came from our garden............
Swiss chard is ready now too, so today I will experiment with this in a salad. We have never grown it, so it will be a new experience. Do you grow it? If so, how do you prepare it? Fresh, boiled,???
Oh dear, there goes that twitching nose again...
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Herbs for Flavor, Herbs for Fragrance
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Strawberries Under Attack
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The Taste of Spring
Woo Hoo! It's beginning to look like a garden now. In Michigan most folks wait till after Memorial Day to the first week of June to plant due to crazy frosts. Tonight, June 2, a frost is predicted in our area. Yep, DH just planted the tomatoes and peppers.......Wouldn't ya' know?